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Globally expanding Design & tech company

FOURDIGIT delivers digital design that links businesses with users across the world. As a professional partner to businesses, we work alongside our customers in service creation, DX, and digital initiatives to accelerate business growth.


Getting to where design is needed

We are launching studios in countries where the spread of technology is growing and the power of design is clearly evident in the business world, to lead the digital design market together with our local teams.


Making a better future through design & tech

We employ our strengths in design and tech as a team, for a better future. We closely engage with all kinds of services, products, and brands, creating designs with value and meaning, connecting with the future.


To build a better future as a team...

We are a team that possesses reliable skills and knowledge and comprises diverse team members of different ages and nationalities. Precisely because we are a diverse design and tech company, we have principles and cultures that we value.


Designing sustainability

At FOURDIGIT we base our work in sustainability on the idea of Creating Shared Value(CSV). We design setups that enable us to share the value of design and to continuously grow alongside the partners we work with.

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