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FOURDIGIT celebrated its 20th anniversary.

Established in July 2001, FOURDIGIT is celebrating its 20th anniversary. We would like to extend our gratitude to all of you.

Masashi HIRUTA – Representative Director

Thanks to everyone involved, we are able to celebrate our 20th anniversary. I would like to express my sincere gratitude. I am very grateful that we are here today. 

Today is the start of the next 20 years as well as the break of the past 20 years. As stated in FOURDIGIT philosophy, we will pursue growth, deal with our customers sincerely, value our colleagues, stick to the services we provide, enjoy ourselves, and contribute to society. 

We look forward to working with you in the next 20 years.

Ryo TAGUCHI – Representative Director

FOURDIGIT is celebrating its 20th anniversary. I feel that the connection with you over the last 20 years has created us today. I would like to express my deep appreciation to all the members, clients, partners, and everyone we met. 

The phrase “Today makes our tomorrow” posted on our special site for the 20th anniversary expresses the idea that our steps are making the present and that the future will be designed in the same way.

We will continue to promote expansion into the Asian market, further business development, and organizational and team transformation. Not only will there be changes in our activities, but there will also be changes in the business environment and unexpected pandemic-like effects. No matter what difficulties we face, we believe in the power of connecting with people, and we will continue to move forward without shifting our core thoughts. Thank you very much for your continued support.

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We Wish You a Happy New Year 2024

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