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We Wish You a Happy New Year 2024

Ryo Taguchi, Representative Director & CEO

Happy New Year!
Last year, FOURDIGIT started a new 3-year plan, and we have been engaged in various activities, such as strengthening our organization and doing various projects in Japan & ASEAN countries. This is the result from our efforts to transcend the boundaries between countries, cultures, industries, users and businesses one by one, through the power of design. Although the social situation remains unstable, and there is a tendency to be pessimistic, all of us at FOURDIGIT are determined to keep our unchanging beliefs and move forward into the future. We look forward to your continued support for FOURDIGIT in the year ahead.

Takehiro Suenari, Director & COO

Happy new year
selamat tahun Baru
শুভ নব বর্ষ
새해 복 많이 받으세요
gott nytt år
sugeng warsa enggal
bonne année
Buon Anno
feliz año nuevo
barka da sabon shekara
سنة جديدة سعيدة
Maligayang bagong Taon

These are the ways to say “Happy New Year” in the countries in which we have made connections through the work we do. Everyone who is a part of this company will make every effort to make this year another year in which the list grows even more.

Nobuyuki Nishigaki, Director, CTO

Happy New Year!
In the past year, we were blessed with so many opportunities to meet people and co-create with them, allowing us to further enhance our capabilities. We will make every effort in 2024 to expand even further and create even better products. We thank you and look forward to your ongoing support this year.


CHÚC MỪNG NĂM MỚI (Happy New Year!)
We had so many people visit us in Vietnam last year, which allowed them to see firsthand the dedication of our Vietnamese designers and engineers. This was one of my highlights of the year.
This year is the Year of the Dragon, the most important zodiac sign for the people of Vietnam. According to mythology, the Vietnamese are the descendants of dragons, and even the shape of the country itself is often said to resemble a standing dragon. All of us in Vietnam are looking forward to working together with you in this auspicious year.


Happy New Year!
Many people, both in Japan and abroad, have played important roles in helping us establish FOURDIGIT MALAYSIA and undertake various projects in the past year. Throughout my travels in Japan and around the world last year, I met many people and developed a great sense of optimism for the possibilities before us this year in Asia.
With our primary focus on Malaysia this year, I hope to meet even more people than last year and do my best to design even better experiences together with them. I am looking forward to your continued support this year.

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FOURDIGIT celebrated its 20th anniversary.

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